Bean Bag Baseball Rules (sometimes known as Sandbag Baseball)
Beanbag baseball is played on a stand-up game board that has openings for 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, Home Run and Out. (see diagram) The rules for the game are similar to baseball in that the player (batter) who is tossing a beanbag continues to play until he gets on "base" or misses three times, thereby scoring an out. There are nine innings and an inning is over when both teams have scored three outs. The number of innings to be played may be adjusted in the interest of time. Every player must toss the beanbag underhanded.
Five (5) to twelve (12) players are needed for each team. The same number of players is needed for both teams. It is desirable to have nine (9) players on each team. Each team nominates a captain and chooses a team name. Each team member places his chair in a lineup on the "field" opposite the other team. The players' order in the lineup is maintained throughout the game. The field must be kept clear for the "batter" and the "Umpire/Score Keeper" to see the game board. The score sheet form is used for scoring. (see scoresheet)
Place a line or a home plate (see diagram) on the ground to represent home plate. A small rope held down with two large nails can be used. If a player's toe steps in front of the home plate while "batting", he is Out. The game board is to be placed at a distance of 15 feet from home plate to the front of the game board. The distance could be shortened if small children are playing. They should be able to hit the game board when tossing a beanbag.
Chairs act as bases, place 1st base to the right of the game board leaving space for "runners" to travel or sit without being too close, 2nd base behind the game board (leaving enough room for runners and the catcher), and 3rd base to the left of the game board in the same fashion. Make certain there is reasonable space between the "bases" and the team chairs.
A coin toss between Captains determines which team plays first. The winning Captain of the coin toss decides whether his team will play first or second.
Each player tosses up to three (3) beanbags when he is up to bat. When a beanbag enters one of the openings on the game board, that opening label determines his next move. He will either go to 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, to home plate on a Home Run, or sit down if he scores an out. If a player tosses the beanbag through the Foul opening without it touching the ground or wood first, he is entitled to one extra beanbag toss.
Upon successfully tossing the beanbag into a base or Home Run opening, the player proceeds to that base and sits in the chair until "forced" to move if a subsequent player scores his base.
For instance: After reaching 1st base, a player waits for the next "batter" to successfully scores 2nd base, the first player would then advance to 3rd base to make room for player two to take 2nd base. If player three successfully scores a Home Run, all three players advance to home plate, scoring one (1) point for each player crossing home plate. If three Outs are scored before a player on base reaches home plate, every player on base takes his team seat without scoring.
Each beanbag toss which does not successfully enter an opening on the board is a strike. Three strikes for a player is an out. Three outs for a team is the end of that inning for that team.
The Umpire/Score Keeper will keep track of the score and outs and call out the result of each toss. The Umpire/Score Keeper is the final authority on all matters of the score; who is out on a technicality, such as not touching base as it is passed or stepping into the field when tossing the beanbag.
The Umpire/Score Keeper will also keep track of which team member is up to "bat" for the new inning.
If a beanbag only partially enters an opening and hangs there, it does not count. If a following beanbag toss by the same player pushes it into the opening and follows it in or enters another opening, only the first beanbag score counts.
A game is complete after nine (9) innings although fewer innings may be played in the interest of expediency.
No more than six (6) runs per team can be scored in any inning except the last inning during which as many runs as possible can be scored prior to scoring three (3) Outs.
Any player reaching home base without having touched all three bases and home plate will not have their run counted.