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April 18-20, 2012
Jerome County Fairgrounds, Jerome, ID

As we arrived for the Spring Fling we found our event on the agenda for the fairgrounds.

The theme for this year's Spring Fling was "COME TO THE COUNTY FAIR".
The Caldwell Ramblers did a masterful job of creating the backdrop.

Participants enjoying the county fair activities such as
rootbeer floats, baked potatos and horse racing for raffle prizes.

Helen can't wait to get that rootbeer float.

Chapters set up booths to sell crafts and food. These folks
are enjoying hot baked potatos with chili and all the fixin's.

"This potato is too hot, you hold it."
"No. You hold it!"

The Swing Golf tournament was held on the lawn on a very windy day.

The happy faces of the Samettes during their Finger Food Lunch.

Harold and Jean handed out awards to the winning teams.

Jerry and Linda won the coveted door prize -- walking sticks handmade by Bert Otto.

The Military Chapter closed the meeting by retiring the colors.

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