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September 16-19, 2015
Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d'Alene, ID

The Fall Roundup took place at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds in Coeur d'Alene. The theme of this year's event was "HAPPY TRAILS / TRAIL MIXER".

After the opening ceremonies the folks stuck around to play card bingo.

Many thanks to members of the military chapter who always open things off by presenting the colors. Bring your retired flags to either the Spring Fling or the Samboree next year. The military chapter will perform a flag retirememt and burning ceremony at the Samboree.

We appreciate the work done by Larry Wier, Chairman, and Mavis Fischer, Registrar. It takes a lot of effort to put on an event like the Fall Roundup and we are indebted to them for their hard work.

Harold decided to hold the Swing Golf games indoors because it might be too windy outdoors. We actually had very nice weather for the entire event. There was no sign of smoke from this year's fires.

In addition to a full schedule at the fairgrounds, there were many things to see and do in the surrounding area.

Quite a few of the folks went to Kellogg to ride the gondola.

The Good Sam store was fully stocked and experienced good sales.

Several meetings took place at the Fall Roundup including the President's Meeting.

Immediately following the President's Meeting, the General Meeting took place to let everyone know about what things were discussed and what decisions were made.

Bistro attended the entire event. It was good to see one of the actual dogs that we have been supporting. More than $4500 was raised for Dogs For The Deaf at this meeting.

Several very nice quilts were raffled off.

Several of the folks helped put this jigsaw puzzle together.

Jim Allen conducted a seminar on dutch oven equipment and methods. Thanks Jim!

The Saturday night banquet was very good. Roast beef and chicken, and plenty for all.

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